Even if the pistol falls and strikes the ground muzzle down, the firing pin will not strike the primer. Since the block is visible, the user may ascer tain its proper operation at any time. The block is located rearward, far away from the fouling and debris of the breech face. Visible Automatic Firing Pin Block: The front par t of the firing pin is blocked from any forward movement until the trigger is pulled completely back. Stays on the gun, preventing accidental dropping and loss. Disassembly Latch: Simplifies field stripping for maintenance by allowing quick and easy disassembly. Allows the user to load and chamber one cartridge at a time should the magazine be lost or damaged. Open Slide Design: Open top slide virtually eliminates jamming and stove piping. Barrels also feature a deeply recessed combat muzzle crown to protect the rifling. Chrome-lined barrels provide extreme corrosion resistance, as well as ease of cleaning. High-capacity steel magazines are durable and drop-free when the magazine button is depressed, even when empty. Double/Single action provides a very safe and timeproven design.
The 92 series of semiautomatic pistols operates on a short recoil, delayed blowback system, which yields faster cycle times, exceptional accuracy and greater reliability. Sights: fixed front windage adjustable rear